Nostalgia for Paradise Shelf: C5 Copies: 1

Nostalgia for Paradise

Alexander Kalomiros

Published by Zephyr Publishing in 2006-01-01

Drawn from the living spiritual and theological tradition of the Orthodox Church, the author's themes are guideposts in the faith and life that lead to Jesus Christ. And where Christ is, there is Paradise. The Bible teaches that "God created man to be immortal, and made him to be an image of His own eternity." (Wis. 2:23) Thus, Dr. Alexander Kalomiros writes, "In contrast with the animals, man has an infinite thirst. Within him lives the memory of the Breath of Life lost by disobedience," and a destiny unfulfilled. Nostalgia for Paradise, our true Fatherland, is borne of this memory. Orthodox Christians and all who seek Christ?s truth will discover compelling and timely illumination on scores of topics, such as: the experience of faith; hesychasm-- stillness of heart and the inner life of prayer; the Church as the single, great mystery of the true communion of persons; Man as the "image of God" by creation, as the "likeness of God" by divinization (theosis); the immortality of our mortal souls; the Keys of the Kingdom--a gift to the Church, not to a throne; the nature of evil; repentance and remission as the healing of our sins; our true Sabbath in the grave and our bodily resurrection in the "new heaven and the new earth." The writings of Alexander Kalomiros are simple yet powerful, rich with meaning yet accessible to everyone because they avoid academic theories and philosophical discourse. The author goes to the ontological essence of the Scriptures and patristic theo...

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