This Holy Man Shelf: B1 Copies: 1

This Holy Man

Gillian Crow

Published by St Vladimirs Seminary Press in 2005-01-01

Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom) of Sourozh (+2003) was one of the most respected churchmen, spiritual writers, and broad-casters on the world stage, inside and outside of the Orthodox Christian communion. His books, School of Prayer, Living Prayer, and God and Man have become classics. However, besides his public persona as a leader of the Russian Orthodox Church in Great Britain, who was Metropolitan Anthony as preacher and pastor? How did his experience as physician, monk, parish priest, spiritual father, and bishop effect his writings? How did his life story mold his perspective? In this comprehensive examination of Metropolitan Anthony's life and work, Gillian Crow presents a compelling portrait of a complex human being: a charismatic, warm person aglow with the joy of his faith, and a person who fought hard against the demons of shyness, insecurity, and depression. This sympathetic yet honest portrayal is essential reading for all those touched by Metropolitan Anthony's writing, who wish to discover more about his inner life.

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