Living in Christ: Essays on the Christian Life by an Orthodox Nun Shelf: A1 Copies: 1

Living in Christ: Essays on the Christian Life by an Orthodox Nun

Raphaela Wilkinson

Published by St. Vladimir's Seminary Press in 2000-01-01

Over the last twenty years Mother Raphaela has written essays on the Christian life in her community newsletter as well as for other Church publications. These reflections, some of which are published in this little book, were born and shaped by her interactions with the women who came to test their monastic vocations, with the seekers who spent time in the monastic setting, with Mother's many correspondents, and with the many friends and supporters, as well as questioners and critics, who observe the life and work of the monastery. The 19 essays cover topics such as Prayer and Life, Silence Today, Family Life and the Monastery, Building Community, Challenged by Freedom and Human Love.

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